brooklyn-based artist with a particular interest in unconventional, risky, and collaborative theatre work

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Mack Lawrence (they/them) is an interdisciplinary performance artist, dancer, and playwright from Austin, TX, currently living in Brooklyn. As a trans playwright and a sixth-generation Austinite, their work tells queer stories with a southern voice. They write about trans characters’ unique capabilities, weird aversions, silly desires—rather than writing them into roles of quasi-representation. They are charmed by the radical politic of allowing a queer person to inhabit a fictional arc that has both everything and nothing to do with their orientations, especially within chosen communities in the deep South. Mack performs with ARCOS Dance, most recently as a part of Ether Dust, a movement tour through rural West Texas. They also co-directed ARCOS’s In the Ether set at the 2021 American Dance Festival. Since moving to Brooklyn, Mack has been a part of MOtiVE Brooklyn’s For the Artist! Residency program. Mack is currently the director of their ongoing project Dinner, a dance-play stuffed full of rigorous movement, nightmare imagined run-ins, sweet tender moments, and pure anarchy. Mack is intrigued by performances that you think about the day after you see them—specifically, vulnerable, absurd, and somewhat relatable performance art.

Mack graduated with honors from the UT Austin BFA Dance Program, under the direction of Charles O. Anderson. They are a certified Dance Educator and Teaching Artist for the National Dance Institute.